Friday, October 7, 2011

more previews, cuff, handmade necklaces and earrings

Mid-terms are over so I had a little time off to play with jewelry :D I've been working on a new cuff, lots and lots of layers and details - picture below. It's got a gorgeous silver Fleur-de-lis centrepiece, and layers of rococo style filigree for an utterly decadent feel.

I'll probably change the background piece for this - silver feels a bit too cold, what with autumn coming and all the luxury of amber days and hot cocoa ♥

To compensate for all that intricate layering, I threw together a few small, light pieces - much smaller than what I'm used to, but it's a relief since these were a lot less time-consuming and still very pretty :)

Lila; Named after the girl in Lila: An Inquiry Into Morals. It has such a pretty, delicate feel - not at all like the character, but I love the name ;) I'm used to very strong, vibrant colours in my jewelry so a crystal this pale is rare! Click to view more details on handmade necklace Lila on Etsy.

Illyriel; Named after the city of Illyria and a picture my sister drew: Illyriel by effthree on DA. This pendant actually came about because someone asked me if I ever made jewelry specifically for guys, and I realised I never started out with that intention. ...I don't think this piece is particularly masculine, but it's a start! :) Click to view more details on handmade necklace Illyriel on Etsy.

Winter Heart; Because I realised also that I have very little earrings, cuffs and rings in my shop. I'm trying to diversify - out of habit, I usually create necklaces but I think this attempt at earrings went quite well :) They dangle like lovely little drops of winter frost, alluring and deliciously icy ♥ Click to view more details on handmade earrings Winter Heart on Etsy.

All in all I'm very pleased with how these smaller pieces turned out, might consider doing more of them because I'm starting to fall for the delicate, flirty style instead of my usual one.

That's all I've got for now :) Questions, comments &etc. can be sent to :)


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