Friday, October 21, 2011

The lovely Michelle from misanthropycreations did a blog feature for me which you can see here: Featured artist Sodacrush. I'm returning the favour, so here's the first ever featured artist on my blog.

Michelle makes lovely earrings and other jewelry, and takes gorgeous pictures of nature, too!

Shop Name: misanthropycreations
What you like to go by: Michelle, Michellian
When did you start your shop? Just recently! I had an etsy shop before under a different name but I decided I wanted to start fresh and with a new angle. I was selling hand crafted polymer clay gauged earrings before. I still make them for friends per request.
Is this your only job? Nope, I work full time as Assistant Manager at a small sports bar at two locations.
When did you realize you had this talent? I've always used crafts as a way to keep my hands busy, otherwise I'll bite my nails till there's nothing left! I'm not a big fan of social situations either so it keeps me where I love to be, home! I have always dabbled in a little bit of everything so I'm still trying to figure out what I'm really good at!
Where do you find your inspiration? When I go shopping for supplies is when ideas probably strike me the most. Probably because I am surrounded by so many different things, my mind just runs on overload thinking of all the different things I could make if I had the entire store to myself. So much potential inspiration in craft stores and the like.
Who has been the most supportive of your work? Probably my boyfriend, since he is really the only person who has seen the majority of my work. Also a friend of mine who comes with me when I supply hunt. I'm hard to put up with while I shop because I'm formulating a hundred different plans in my head at once.
What is one thing you would like to accomplish that you haven't yet? I would love to have a great following on my blog. Everyday I post an interview just like this one show casing one artists work. I would also love to make my first Etsy sale! But I'm sure that will come with time, but the first sale is the most anticipated!
What are your words to live by or favorite quote? "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." Ghandi

Check out her awesome jewelry here.


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