Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Merry Christmas + Happy New Year!


I hope everyone has been having a lovely holiday! :D I have been so so busy, catching up on the backlog of commissions and stuff from the school term (and school starts again in a couple of weeks, gosh.)

 Here are some christmas things - macaroon tree, handmade gift tags, presents, nails ♥

And this is a darling little thing I made for myself during the stressful exam weeks, I really really wish I could make more of this style, but it's really time-consuming and I have so much work to finish before school starts. It's really beautiful and fulfilling (to me). But it's not really something that I can make to sell, and although it's a bit selfish sometimes I just want to make things only for myself. So it stresses me out when people want them because they are too precious to me, aha.Or, I feel like I should be working instead of indulging in selfish things and wasting money and time making things when I don't intend to sell them.

The loveliest thing so far this holidays was actually going to the aquarium (S.E.A Aquarium in Sentosa) although I live here and it's a terribly touristy place but oh, the aquarium was so utterly amazing, I was in there for hours mesmerized by the animals. Manta rays + jellyfish ♥ Planning to visit again this month ^_^

I hope 2013 brings everyone much love and happiness! ♥


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