Wednesday, October 24, 2012



So all the pictures today are of old things, I just dug some of the interesting shots out of my phone. Skipped yet another week, because I've been sick (again). There's a bit of a trend going here.. I think flu meds no longer work on me, and becasue of this week-long flu I've also got a tear duct infection that'll have to be cut and drained if the swelling doesn't subside D: (Sometimes I feel like this blog has become a chronicle of illnesses) And since I can't wear my glasses (which put pressure on the swelling), I've been reduced to crawling through readings for class at an absymal rate... And stressing myself out over not getting schoolwork done. Mmhmm, so all these pictures are mostly things that got done before school started - stickers, painted with watercolours and stamped. A happy little felt...thing, with one leg unstuffed. Polymer clay owl charms. And stamps. I love stamps, both the rubber and postage sort, and I think postage stamps are much more charming than labels...I love these huge pretty stamps that were released when the Gardens by the Bay in Singapore opened. I haven't been, though I'd love to go, for now I'll be content with watching the kingfisher that lives near my dorm :D

Mmhmm :) If I do update (sporadically) it'll likely be of random things like this, mostly because looking through them makes me feel better when I'm stressed, aha.


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