Thursday, August 16, 2012

Life update

Hullo! ♥

I am so sorry about the lack of activity here and elsewhere, life has been terribly hectic ever since school started! In all likelihood I won't be able to make anything new for a long while yet, and commissions are also closed (except for those I've already been working with, I'll finish yours I promise!)

Instead of regular updates in DA, since I have nothing new to show, I'll try to blog a bit about what I'm doing :) Right now I've just wrapped up a collaboration with a lovely photographer shooting some of my work, Sarah Trickler. The photos are amazing and I'll try to post some of them within the next week!

I've also started working with a new material, Art Clay Silver. It's the perfect combination of my love for sculpting/clay and jewelry! A quick shot I took while at work- an unfinished ring, with a little fish :) Still have to oxidize and polish this one before I can set the stone..

So yup, that's life so far. School's only started for a week, and I've already finished two books and started on a third monstrous one (Barchester Towers, anyone?) It'll probably only get more hectic from here on but I'll try to blog once a week at least, it's easier because I can do it from my phone, but I apologize in advance for the odd position of photos, typos and all that. Til next time!


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