Sunday, March 18, 2012

Workspace + Steampunk Key Necklaces

So I get questions about -studio space- and suchlike, and I never know how to reply because I barely have a desk, let alone a studio. Context: Singaporean house. I'm 19 and I don't even have my own room. Anyway. This is what my table looks like on a normal day...

Yes. This probably explains why I may or may not be flunking school this semester. And yes, that is my keyboard shoved out of the way behind the pile of pliers. So no, I have absolutely no system for organising and storing things. Mostly they end up staying in the bag/box they came in. And accumulating in dangerous piles under the table.

...To make up for that hellish mess of a picture, here are some new steampunk keys I made today :) I had a packet of beautiful blue Swarovskis lying around, and so they ended up with a blue-gold colour scheme and a sort of supernova theme.

I work with music on all the time, mostly fantastically trashy boybands or soaring instrumentals, depending on my mood. Although I listen to really anything, so the songs/lyrics that went into these are:

It's like an explosion everytime I hold you;
I wasn't joking when I told you
You take my breath away;
You're a supernova.
-Space Bound, Eminem

The Keys to the vaults of heaven
May be heavy or lighter than air
We've got to find the keys

The nights have been growing darker
They're darker now than sin
We'll open the vaults of heaven
The treasures are there within
-Vaults of Heaven, Andrew Lloyd Webber

...these are the ones that stuck in my head, anyway.


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