Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Handmade business card tutorial

Business cards a one of the must-have things to remind customers who you are, yet oftentimes people simply pounce on the goodies and toss out the card. I confess I'm one of those unappreciative customers, mostly because I find most business cards tacky/plain/mass-produced/badly-designed. I'll only hang onto a card if it's exceptionally well-designed or handmade - I'm a sucker for thoughtful things like that.

So when I whipped up my new batch of Sodacrush business cards, handmade was definitely the way to go. I don't have time spend creating miniature works of art, but stamping is easy and fast, and makes for a unique handmade card your customers might just hang on to.

My cards:

1. Self-arrangeable stamp - Get the biggest one you can, so you can include as much as possible. Mine came with two different sizes of letters, and I arranged it to include my shop name and URL.
2. Accent stamp - Can be anything you want, really - birds on a branch, a pretty floral motif, etc. I went for a lip print because I wanted something bold and simple.
3. Blank business cards and ink - Again, any colour you like.

Arrange the words on your stamp and test it to check alignment etc. My accent stamp is actually a hand-carved kiddy eraser, you can definitely make your own logo if you like.

Stamp on text.

Stamp on accent.

Use corner punch to round off corners - not exactly necessary, but I think it's a nice finishing touch :)

And there you have it - lovely handmade cards, handstamped and far more thoughtful than monochromatic mass-printed cards.


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